Thursday, October 17, 2013

Rylee's 16 month update

Rylee will turn 16 months on the 22nd. Which is when I will be in surgery so I decided to go ahead and do it a little early. I really feel like she is older then 16 months anyways.

Measurements: Not sure about weight & height until her appointment. She wears 12-18 months clothes, size 4 shoes, and size 4 diapers.

Eating: Still eating everything and anything in sight. Her favorites are waffles, berries, ham, and of course cookies and froyo. She is also out of her highchair. Thank goodness. I got tired of cleaning that damn tray 100 times a day. She is also still on her bottle. Her bottle is her one "security" thing and with everything about to go on next week, I'm not even going to try to get her off of it til I recover.

Sleep: This is hit or miss since shes been sick (still). She goes down between 7-8 pm and usually wakes up for the day around 7 am. Some nights she sleeps straight through the night, sometimes she wakes up once, and sometimes she wakes up every hour. It really just depends on how shes feeling. But she is really easy to get down (knock on wood). When shes tired she grabs her blankie and bottle and stands by her crib.

Likes: She loves Bucky (my dog). Every morning she wakes up and goes straight to his kennel to let him out. She loves to walk him around the house on his leash. They are so cute together. Still loves dancing. Her movements are getting more defined (such as her signature "shoulder move"). She loves when I brush her hair with my huge barrel brush. Absolutely LOVES taking a bath with me in our garden tub. She freaks when we have to get out. Loves to check the mail and carry it in the house for me.

Dislikes: When Bucky steals her food. She gets really mad and puts him in his kennel and slams the cage door. Wonder where she gets her temper from? Having to come inside from playing outside. Hates not getting her way. But what toddler doesn't? Her signature pout is to first start with "the lip" then she sits down, puts her face on the floor and cries. And then I give in....

Milestones: Saying "thank you" (pronounced "tank ew"). Coloring on her notepad with a pen (sometimes left hand and sometimes right hand). Can climb on everything and get down from most things. Listens better to commands. Can get across what she wants/needs most of the time. Can put her crocs on by herself.

Bad Mommy Moments: Saying "shit" and she repeated it ("sit"). Told her she was about to go to timeout so she goes to get the chair, drags it to the wall, and tries to climb up like it was a game. There goes that timeout spot.