So I have been recently redecorating our master bedroom and Ry's room. I kind of feel like I'm nesting before surgery because I know I wont be able to do ANYTHING for quite some time. I also know that I will be spending a lot of time in my house in the upcoming months, so why not make it a house I want to be in, right?!
Anyways, I've come to realize that I haven't posted anything Ry related in awhile. So wanna know what shes been up to? Just busy being the biggest goofball there is!
Age: 14 months. WHAT?! When did this happen?
Weight/size: I would say almost 25 pounds, size 4 diapers, and size 12 months clothes.
Likes: Being pushed around the house in her baby stroller, wagon rides, sitting on my lap (but only if its on the floor), playing "I'm gonna get you" (aka-TAG), reading books for 0.5 seconds, dancing, helping me clean, eating everything and anything she lays her eyes on, blankies, and standing on the laptop (which is just freekin awesome).
Dislikes: Being in her car seat, being told "NO" (full on pouty face melt down), cuddling (unfortunately), and sitting still.
Milestones: Can officially get on and off the couch by herself, almost running (super fast walking now), follows more commands such as "get your blankie/bottle" or "go put this in the trash"
My only concern is that she still doesn't say too many words. Mostly mama, dada, baba, yah, uh-oh, meow, and some gibberish I cant understand. I guess every baby is different but we are certainly trying to work with her more.
She is seriously my life, my best friend, and the only thing that keeps me positive most days. I'm just trying to soak up every moment I can with her right now before my surgery. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle not being able to hold her or pick her up for quite some time. It's definitely going to be hard on both of us though. But for now, all I can do is love on her and enjoy her.