Thursday, September 5, 2013

First Blog Hater!

I wasn't sure if I wanted to write about this but I'm pretty sure every blogger has dealt with this at one point.

Piece of advice or information

So a couple days ago I wrote a blogtember post about where I come from. And I mentioned that down here in Fort Myers, FL we don't say "no ma'am yes ma'am". A lovely "blog hater" as I would like to refer to her as commented saying that's its a shame I don't have manners or some nonscense. Honestly I glanced at it. Did a "psh yah screw you" and deleted it. What this blog hater doesn't know is that where I come from it's actually rude to use the term "ma'am", unless she is older. Much older. Like over 80. Most woman down here get offended when they are called ma'am or even Miss because it makes them feel older, which they don't like.

So my advice today is for all of the blog haters out there.
1. My blog only shows 1% of my life. You don't see the other 99% of my life. You have no idea. So before you pass judgement, remember that.
2. This is MY blog. If you don't like what I have to say, then don't read it!

That is all.

Oh and here's a pic of this cute model babe to lighten the mood :)

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