Friday, September 27, 2013

"you post too many pictures of your baby". WHAT?!

Todays blogtember post is to write a letter to your facebook friends.
Things that bother me on facebook:
1. People announcing world news. I don't live under a rock thanks.
2."My boyfriend is the BEST. He bought me flowers." Cool. Plenty of boyfriends do that so why aren't they the best?
3. Telling me your relationship problems. I don't care.
4. Writing a story for your status. I won't even read it.
5. This one is the worst...."While everyone is getting pregnant or married, I'm over here like YOLO!" Really? Grow up. We are all out of college. There's nothing wrong with starting a family at 25. I see something wrong with still acting like a drunk college kid at 25.
6. "OMG stop posting pictures of your children". REALLY? This picture of my child is bothering you that bad that you are going to either post a status about it or delete me. That's pathetic. You wont know what its like until your a parent yourself. But wait your to busy "YOLO'ing" so you may not ever know what its like. I'm not guilty of this. I probably post a picture of ry every other day. But so what if  I post 10 a day. Just keep scrolling...

So tell me, what do you hate seeing on facebook? I personally am not a big fan of facebook. I prefer instagram. I would rather see 1000 pictures then read 1000 status' about peoples problems, which in reality aren't problems.

Venting done.

Oh and by the way, here's a picture of my daughter getting ready for picture day at school. ENJOY!


  1. I post a ton of pictures of my girls throughout the week and I really don't care what others have to say about it. haha

    Your little girl is adorable!

  2. My biggest peeve with FB is people who leave their status open ended. i.e. "I cannot believe It", then they proceed to not elaborate when 100 people respond asking "what happened"... I am with you, I love facebook in small doses, but Instagram is my first choice!

    1. LOL i totally know what you mean. They usually respond with "just text me". oh social media...

  3. haha, love this. There are a few of these that I really agree with.

    Mel's Corner
