Thursday, September 5, 2013

My Struggle With Heart Disease. A Request For Prayers.

I was born with a heart defect called aortic stenosis. It's basically a narrowing of the aortic valve so my heart doesn't pump the way it should. Before I was 6 months old i had 2 open heart surgeries. I had repair work done on my aorta and my aortic valve.

 My life growing up was very different then most all of the other kids. I was active, but had to take more rest. I was always worried about people seeing all of my scars (and still am to this day). I had to take medication daily and see a cardiologist every 6 months for testing to make sure the repair work they did when I was born, was still holding up. When I was a baby, my doctors told my mom that I would not be able to have kids and that I would need a valve replacement when I was 18 years old. 18 came around and I was in such great health for staying active and eating healthy that the replacement was held off and they said i probably wouldn't need a replacement til about age 35-40! Amazing! 

When I was 24, I accidentally became pregnant. And this is where it begins. My pregnancy was awful. Everything a pregnancy shouldn't be. 24/7 bed rest. Weekly doctors appointments with my OB and cardiologist and of course the thought, will I survive labor? Labor was the biggest concern since my heart isn't healthy, it can't handle much stress. But luckily for me, Ry was able to be vacuumed out to eliminate the stress and we both survived.

 Since there was so much stress and wear and tear on my heart, it is now time for a valve replacement. Next month I will be getting a new heart valve and I am terrified. I don't think it would be as scary if I didn't have a one year old, but I want to still be here for Ry and make sure she grows up with a mom. I'm requesting everyone's prayers that not only do I survive this procedure, but that I don't have any complications, and have a fast recovery so I can continue to take care of my daughter the way a mother should. I have a rough road ahead of me as this will not be the last surgery. 

Please pass this prayer request along. I would greatly appreciate. 

(There is a button on my side bar. Feel free to use to share the prayer request.)


  1. will be posting right now. xoxo! praying for you!!

  2. Aww thank you so muh I really appreciate it :)

  3. Prayers for you and your family during this time. Stay strong and keep us updated!

    1. Thank you :) and I will be posting updates especially after surgery

    2. Your always in my thought and prayers. I love you honey and please ALWAYS know what ever you need I'm here for you and Rylee. I'll be praying for you.

  4. Im your newest follower :)
    Ill definitely be praying for you!
    Good luck girl!!


    1. I just checked out all of the cute stuff you make, I will def be contacting you soon for some goodies :)

  5. without a doubt dear girl.
    coming over from wifessionals.

  6. I prayed for you! I read your story at Kaitlyn's blog, "wifessionals". I will continue to pray! I hope all goes well!

  7. Wow your story is amazing! You have been through a lot, but have overcomed all of it, and you will overcome this surgery! Praying for you and your family! <3


  8. I pray everything goes well for you. Put your full trust in God. Cling to Him! Praying your stress turns to peace.

  9. Hi Kayleigh! I just read about you on Wifessionals. I am now following you. ;0
    Please know that I will keep you in my prayers and post your request on my blog this week. I hope that it ok.
