Monday, September 23, 2013

Rylee's Life Lately+Discipline?

Life Lately

I've decided to post about what Ry has been up to since yesterday she turned 15 months. (Side note : Her birthday is June 22nd. Richie's baseball number and all of his family members baseball numbers were all 22. Cray?)

Anyways, Ry is finally getting over her sickness. For now. Its about that time of the year for flu season so I'm sure she will be sick again shortly. Which sucks for me because I cant get sick up to 6 weeks before my surgery or they will postpone it again.

I said to Richie the other night, "We have a child. She's not a baby anymore". Got a little emotional, not gonna lie. He just looked at me like I had 5 heads. She communicates almost all of her needs and just acts like shes a kid. Its so crazy. I can usually tell when she is looking for something and I'll say "Ry its over there by your kitchen" and she will say "OHHH" and go get it. She also does this new hilarious thing where she holds my phone up to her ear, says "hello" but also waves. I wish I could capture it on video but this girl will run when you try to take a pic or video of her. Wonder where she gets that from? (ME). She LOVES to dance, which I couldn't be happier about since I started dancing when I was 3. The second you turn on music, she drops everything, puts her hands in the air and bounces her butt up and down. But if its a slow song then she just sways back and forth.

Only downfall right now is that she refuses to listen to me. She will pull my hair and pinch me and I'll get onto her and she will laugh at me and do it again. How do you discipline your 1 year old? I don't believe in spanking. I believe spanking is a negative reinforcement. Why am I going to punish her for hitting, by hitting her? Doesn't make sense to me. Right now we just say "NO", tell her why she cant do it, and sometimes put her in timeout. which she just gets up and comes to sit in my lap and then I feel bad.

Would love to hear from ya'll and how you punish.

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